Friday was pretty easy going. Hung out with Joe all weekend. We went to Wal-Mart and got some groceries and what not. You know you're getting old when the highlight of your Friday is going to the store, haha. I despise going to Wal-Mart. The ones closest to my house are always extremely busy and crowded. I try to avoid it if at all possible. It was surprisingly not too bad on Friday. Plus, I wasn't rushed or needed to be anywhere either, so that kind of worked out well.
I have been working on re-doing a dresser I found on a facebook swap shop a few months ago. I paid about $40 for a dresser/mirror combo. It sat in the guest room for about 4 months. The guest room was extremely packed with tubs and boxes that I just hadn't gone through from previous places I've lived. I was harboring items for years thinking that I would eventually move into a house again. I have decided depending on how things go, I may renew my lease when it comes up for my current place. Then start looking for a house, we shall see how that plays out. Anyway, back to the dresser. It is extremely heavy, so I wasn't able to move it by myself too easily. I decluttered a lot of my place, took boxes and tubs to my basement storage area, sold some items and clothing, and the room is basically empty now! Joe helped me paint and refinish the dresser. I got a little artsy crafty on a couple pieces. I originally wanted to paint it matte black and then put a damask design in glossy black. I opted for a muted dark gray color. It came out a little lighter than anticipated, but I am pleased with it. I did purple accents and got new hardware for the drawers and door. I created a design on the door and painted the inside of the door/shelf purple.

Overall, I am very happy with how it turned out. Once it's complete I will add a picture of the entire piece. I have to finish up a few things, but it has already been moved into the bedroom.
I also went through my closet this weekend and removed articles of clothing that I don't feel like I will wear any time soon. I weeded out Winter items to be stored for now. I also organized it so that all my work clothes are together, casual clothes, sweaters,hoodies,jackets, and then dressers are all in their own areas. I also now have a floor to my closet! Which now house all my shoes.
I don't know why I wait so long to really "move in" any more. I guess because I was moving more than I cared to over the last few years, and never really felt at home. I really enjoy this apartment mostly, there is a ton of storage space, it's very cozy but roomy. I finally have decorated it well. I am just waiting on the guestroom. I am looking for a bed for it, and then I will decorate it accordingly. Not in a big hurry for that, since it will be quite expensive. I would really like to make a few changes if I stay another year if I am able. I don't want to take on too much, though.
I also tried a new recipe on Saturday. Hawaiian Chicken kebabs. Bought Lawry's Hawaiian marinade and marinated chicken breast chunk slices overnight. Cut up pineapple, red/yellow/green peppers, and a red onion in chunks. Took everything over to Joe's House so that he could mow the yard while I prepped everything. Soaked wooden skewers for about 15 minutes. Then assembled the kebabs. We put them on the bbq grill for a little less than 10 minutes. It was the most delicious meal. Very healthy also. Definitely going to have to make them again soon. I can also say this was the first time, I ever actually saw a real pineapple cut and removed. That's probably so sad, but it was cool. I picked a couple of good ones, so it turned out great.
As for the eating healthy part, I am really trying hard. I gave up most sugars. I don't eat candy or snacks that are loaded with sugar. I try to stick to fresh veggies or fruits. I am down to drinking mostly all water. I did have some unsweet tea that I filled about half of the cup, and filled the rest with ice and water. I am really getting better at it. The other big improvement is actually getting up in time to eat breakfast. I have found that has made a huge difference for me. I usually eat some fruit or yogurt. I have also had one lean pocket on some days. It seems to balance out my sugar levels more, and I seem to be more productive. Especially now that I am working day hours, it has been a huge adjustment. I am down another 5 lbs this week. Which I was not expecting. Clothes are starting to fit differently. Some are way too big now! Exactly what I am wanting :-)
Sunday was mostly just chill day. Re-organized the bathroom and tossed out a bunch of older unused products. I did laundry, and changed sheets on the bed. I finished up painting the dresser door, just have to put the final protective coat on and attach it! It was a great weekend overall, but also relaxed.
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