Sunday, August 16, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009
One Month Later
We're very excited to be in our first home together. It is so much fun being able to decorate (with no limits) and have special projects. We've got a list ready, and so far only tackled a couple. This week, we worked on the master bathroom. We had to have a plumber come fix the faucets. It was done incorrectly and put on backwards. It is sooo nice to be able to take a shower now without it being super cold or really, really hot.
The next project was to get the hot tub going. That's been a lot of fun, and luckily we've had some experience with helping get pools ready... so we knew kinda what to do. We achieved the perfect levels, how awesome is that? (For first timers, anyway.
Ollie is now 7 months old... he is getting HUGE. He is outgrowing his kennel, so we've been working on training slowly so we can let him out and eventually lose the kennel (hoping). We had to leave him at a dog boarding kennel during the second visit back to Kansas/Missouri. We weren't very happy, but felt it would be better for him than to make him endure another long road trip, plus we really didn't have room. We found a pretty good place out in Pasadena, with a little old lady that looks/acts just like the grandma with Tweety Bird. Haha. She was great with him, and loved him. So we feel confident if we ever have to do that again, we've got a place we can trust.
Sushi is adjusting well. He has lots of windows to look out and sunbathe in. He still has some anxiety whenever we're gone, and is quite vocal.
We are all loving the new house and are adjusting to a new life. Can't wait to see what else is in store.