We got married Saturday - July 4th. It was absolutely beautiful! We had such an awesome day, and have some of the best friends and family a couple could ask for. A few things I would have changed, such as spending so much time taking pics, and not enough time with our guests - and the food! We should have made it MORE clear that it was ok to go ahead and eat. But, I think the pictures will be amazing, and I can't change that now. lol.
We were so afraid that it was going to rain, but it did just early in the morning, and it was a bit cloudy, but the rest of the day - the weather was beautiful.
The ceremony was sweet, the songs seemed to last entirely too long, but they were memorable pieces of our relationship. It was nice to see our family and friends. A lot of my family and friends didn't come. Which kinda makes you sad, but I am glad that we had a smaller group of people. Just hopefully, none were too offended about the food and what not.